INSTRUCTIONS FOR ONLINE EXAM REGISTRATION (Our site is optimized with latest versions of Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome etc.,) |
Read instructions carefully and click the 'Proceed' Button at the bottom of this page. |
Check whether Javascript is enabled. If not, enable it. Click here to get steps to enable Javascript |
DO NOT register multiple students using same browser simultaneously. |
Take separate chalan for each exam registration for each student. Same chalan SHOULD NOT be used for regular and supplementary / improvement exam registrations. |
Student who wish to appear for 1st year improvement / supplementary exam should mandatorily register for 2nd year regular exam. |
All incomplete / incorrect applications will be rejected summarily. |
SDE students: Submit the printout of registration along with challan / receipt of fees to SDE Director. Private students: Submit the printout of registration along with challan / receipt of fees to Controller of Examinations. |
Verify your photograph and signature. If photo and sign is not available or incorrect then student may upload his / her updated photo and sign using the Upload Photo / Sign link. Please note that this photo appears in the hallticket which will be released later on after application verification. Halltickets without proper photo and sign may be rejected at examination centre on exam date. |
Students are required to verify whether their additional language and subsidiary / elective papers are valid before submitting. If your choice of paper is not available in the list then contact concerned tabulation section / SDE (for SDE students) immediately to get it rectified. |
For supplementary / improvement registration click on the checkbox to select / unselect your subject preference. If you wish to edit your subject details for supplementary / improvement exam after registration, then click on the Cancel Registration button available in your profile against that exam. Please note that your current registration for this particular exam will be permanently removed from the system and student should apply fresh. Fine fees MAY BE levied from students if he / she tries to register on or after fine dates. |
If you wish to change your receipt details (for all exam registrations) or exam centre details (for 1st year regular chance alone), use the Edit Registration button. |
Fee concession is not available in online mode for supplementary / improvement registration. If SDE student wishes to opt fee concession for such exams then they may submit applications offline at SDE office directly. For regular exams, fee concession will be applicable for SC / ST and OEC students alone. If such students tries to register on or after fine dates then fine for that day will be levied from these students. |
For any queries contact:
SDE students - Private Registration BA students - Private Registration BCom students - 0471-2386471 |
Specification for Photograph & Signature |
Photo [with 150px X 200px (WIDTH X HEIGHT), 40kb, .jpg format only]. Photo must be clear and with light background. Signature [with 150px X 60px (WIDTH X HEIGHT), 40kb, .jpg format only]. For uploading photo and signature, select the image file on the PC using "Browse" button. After uploading the photo and signature, click "Save" button. |